
An introduction to our system

Who Are We?

We are an OSDD-1b system of approximately 20 alters. Fictive/Factive heavy.Our name, The Architect System, was suggested to us by our host Niko and the majority of us at the time agreed on the name. This name originates from one of our Hosts favourite bands "Architects". A lot of us also find comfort in their music and they themselves have helped us through many difficult times, so we thought to honour them in our collective titleWe share the body of a 16-year-old AFAB. We are Australian and have other suspected disorders such as professionally recognised but undiagnosed ASD.


Niko | 16 | She/They
Host โ™ฆ๏ธ
Our host! Niko appears in various media but identifies the most with Gogol! They love classical literature, visual arts and typology especially. They love making new friends but are quite socially anxious.

Evelynn | 17 | She/Her
Soother ๐ŸŒ™
Evelynn is pretty introverted, she acts like Nikos older sister and has been around the longest. She has a bit of a short temper but is friendly, despite being prone to oversharing a bit

Teruya | 27 | He/They
Protector/Caretaker ๐Ÿฆœ
Teruya is one of our first fictives, they are considered the father of the system and is married to Rei! Who shares a source with him. He is funny, pretty animated, extroverted and caring.

Rei | 27 | She/Her
Gatekeeper/Caretaker ๐Ÿงก
Rei is the mother of the system, despite being not very emotionally expressive and strict, she is incredibly caring and makes sure everyone is safe and everything is working as it should be. She loves her partner a lot and she is respected immensely by the system

MASKING | 18 | She/They
Verbal Protector ๐Ÿฐ
Masuki is pretty loud and social. Very fun and always pretty happy but is willing to defend anyone if need be. They do curse a little but she tries to keep that under control most of the time. Pretty straight forward too. She also absolutely LOVES sweet foods!

Evie | 15 | She/Her
Memory Holder/Architect ๐ŸŠ
Evie is a very quiet young girl. She loves reading and struggles to communicate verbally. Even if she is not directly related to any of the other alters, she tends to call them with familial terms as a way of letting them know that they are dear to her. So if she ever talks about someone and refer to them as 'cousin', 'uncle', 'auntie' etc, they are not her actual relatives; she just calls them that as a way to show them that they feel like family to her

Kaeya | 22 | He/Him
Role Unknown โ„๏ธ
Kaeya is pretty social but sticks around his main group of friends within the system (masking, teruya, chuuya, ethan), if not isolating himself in his room to relax. Very fun and has a nice outgoing, easy to get along with personality. He has bitter memories from his source, so we kindly ask anyone to avoid bringing it up.

Jake | 23 | He/Him
Soother ๐Ÿ
Jake is a kind, social and protective member of the architect system. His favourite band is The Killers and he loves most rock music. He is an introject of someone Niko admires personally, as he was incredibly kind to her on multiple occasions.

Ethan | 20 | He/Him
Physical Protector ๐Ÿ”ฒ
Ethan is one of our more frequent fronters. He is very outgoing and a little odd at times, but is pretty easy to get along with! He stutters when speaking verbally a lot and loves looking back at old videos that involve him on youtube, especially Unus Annus compilations.

Rosalyne | 30 | She/Her
Berserker/Persecutor ๐ŸŒน
Rosalyne is an alter that is not allowed to front. She is quite emotionally manipulative despite being seemingly kind. Rei is the only one allowed to see her and knows she gets lonely, visiting her for that reason. but knows that keeping her away until she is safe to interact is the right thing to do. (art by ameropu on ig)

Sophie | 10-14 | She/Her
Romantic Protector ๐Ÿฐ
Sophie is one of our youngest. despite having a bit of an attitude she takes her role very seriously, and her straight-forward personality helps out in that sense. Her and Strawberry-Crepe cookie are siblings and have a great relationship! Them, Teruya and Rei are the only other alters that she is genuinely kind to.

Strawberry | 12 | They/Them
Role Unknown ๐Ÿ“
Strawberry is also one of our youngest. Similar to their sister, Sophie, they also have quite the attitude. Not to the same degree as their sister but something to look out for. They are fine with being associated with their source and in fact encourage discussions about it.

Batman | 30-40 | He/Him
Internal Self Helper ๐Ÿฆ‡
Batman is again, one of our first and oldest alters who recently came out of dormancy. He is a mix between being an introject of the comic character Batman and an introject of a family member. Batman strictly does not front unless things get really out of hand, which has not happened yet. Quite monotone but good acquaintances with Rei.

Fyodor | ageless | He/Him
Protector โ™ฃ๏ธ
Fyodor is a very mysterious alter of ours. He enjoys playing small jokes on other people and has grown quite close to Evie and Niko. He often stays in his room when out of front but occasionally just wanders around. There's not much to say about him really, he doesn't talk about himself too often.

Elizabeth | ageless | She/It
Internal Self Helper ๐Ÿ‚
Elizabeth is gentle and very kind. She is half-elf which she doesn't mind too much, she loves forest environments and one of her favourite hobbies is mathematics! It does not front very much, only unless she really wishes to or if she is triggered out. She is protective of the people she cares about and makes sure everyone is treated fairly.

Jenna | 17 | She/ Her
Assists with executive dysfunction ๐ŸŽถ
Jenna is a very unexpressive person emotionally. She likes to reside by herself and has taken on the unofficial position of watching over Dazai to make sure he doesn't do anything bad to the system or the body. She is Mafuyu from PJSK but wants to be called Jenna. She does enjoy cleaning/tidying and making music!

Dazai | 20-25 | He/Him
Persecutor ๐ŸŒธ
Dazai is our only active persecutor, the reason being that Rei deemed he was safe enough to front and interact with others. To bluntly state it, he's pretty annoying on purpose. He enjoys teasing everyone and is in a pretty active joyful mood most of the time, the only people he has learnt to not annoy is Fyodor and Rei.

Bennett | 16 | He/Him
Memory Holder ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Benny is very outgoing, friendly and optimistic. We do not know too much about him thus far but he is keen to make a bunch of new friends. Being a memory holder he is quite sensitive to negative situations or traumatic flashbacks and is incredibly empathetic and kind to others because of it; for his safety please do not bring up anything trauma-related in front of him.

Giga | 15-16 | She/Her
Co-host ๐Ÿช
Giga is an alter who is pretty outgoing, she is very friendly and enjoys self-expression through clothing and makeup. She enjoys electronic music and heavy metal, she also has no amnesia at all so if she fronts mid-convo or something she will know exactly what's going on! She's very verbally expressive too, and speaks in a similar way as Sophie, (just without the attitude).

Emu/Emily | 16 | She/Her
Protector ๐Ÿฌ
Emy is a very energetic and hyper-active member of the architect sys. She's very optimistic and positive and enjoys making other people smile. She loves cute things such as colourful bracelets or beaded jewellery as well as the colour pink, she types pretty fast so it usually results in a lot of misspellings.